Environmental Literacy for Leaders:
“Environmentalism isn't a spectator sport. You actually have to stand up and demand that we be vigilant in protecting our air and water.”- Lisa P. Jackson, first Black female Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency”
How can our KIPP region get started?
At KIPP we believe that protecting and preserving our environment is a social justice issue. We need to join in the fight for a future that is sustainable, healthy, prosperous, and equitable. Getting started on your environmental literacy journey can be hard! Below, the KIPP Environmental Literacy Task Force has collected resources to help aid all classrooms and regions in their journey toward environmental literacy for all.
Resources for Leaders:
Recommended Regional Action Steps for Getting Started with EnvLit: We have outlined the recommended steps for regions to take as they engage in this work.
Excerpts from Regional Action Plans in the 2018-2019 Task Force:
KIPP Columbus and Indy have worked to identify areas of alignment in Wheatley and Amplify to insert environmental learning experiences (see here.) In 2019-2020, KIPP Columbus all elementary school classrooms will have at least unit with an environmental experience in either math, ELA, or science. See sample lessons here.
Example 2nd Grade and 4th Grade Wheatley lessons implemented this year.
KIPP LA and KIPP DC: Both regions are identifying one off campus, environmental literacy field trip experience that aligns Amplify Science in each grade-level.
KIPP Texas - Oak Cliff Academy created a month long advisory curriculum that focused on environmental education for their 9th graders. See team meeting here.
KIPP Bay Area: Check out KIPP Navigate’s Environmental Club Curriculum!
KIPP Tulsa: Scoped and sequenced field trips and/or experiences for 2+ units per grade level here.